Reasons Your Grounds Need Mulching In 2023

Mulching – a substance of decomposed leaves, wood and manure used to spread on flowerbeds.

Let’s be honest, mulch spreading isn’t the most glamorous job, and most property managers will overlook it or forget about it altogether. But while it can get a bit dirty, it’s an important job for the health of your grounds. So today we’ll start out by explaining why your grounds need to be mulched, and what benefits it could bring you.

Stop Weeds Growing

It might seem like putting fertiliser onto soil would make more weeds grow, but it actually does the opposite. Using good quality mulch on the beds around your commercial property can shield the soil beneath from sunlight. This stops any weeds from being able to germinate, stopping them from growing before they even start. Aside from spraying pesticides, regular mulching is actually one of the most effective ways to fight weeds, and it’s a low effort and low cost option.

Regulate Ground Temperature

We know the stereotype of UK weather is damp and cold all year round, but actually, our climate is incredibly variable. Just look at the sub-zero cold we’ve faced over the last two months, and compare it to the summer temperatures last year, which hit 40°C in certain parts of the country! With such wild swings in temperature throughout the year, plants of all shapes and sizes can really suffer.

But mulching your beds is a fantastic way to help your plants survive and thrive throughout the year, no matter what the temperature is doing. In the winter mulch helps seal in the heat, so hard frosts and cold snaps won’t affect the delicate roots of your plants. In summer, mulch provides a cooling effect, a bit like putting a cold can to warm skin, helping plants regulate their heat and stop wilting.

Helps Moisture Retention

Moisture is absolutely essential to the health of plants, shrubs and trees. In particular, healthy plants need moist soil, as this helps them photosynthesise more efficiently and provides the nutrition they need. This is why you see houseplants struggling to survive in dry soil, and why heatwaves often wreak havoc on your garden. As we said above having a good layer of mulch on the soil helps seal in heat and provide a cooling effect, but it also reduces the effects of evaporation. This means less water is leaving the soil, and your plants are less likely to dehydrate.

Make Your Grounds Visually Appealing

Be honest, if you walked into a business park and saw sparse flower beds covered in old, dried-out greying soil, what impression would that leave you with? When it comes to commercial grounds first impressions really do count, which is why even the smallest detail should be attended to. By mulching your beds you can create a clean look, dynamic edges and healthy beds, creating the perfect backdrop for colourful flowerbeds.

Helps Prevent Erosion

Erosion is a very natural process and it happens all the time. The earth is constantly changing shape, and you can see it in the way your grounds slowly evolve over time. But when your plants and flowers are in sloped ground, they can struggle to access the nutrients and moisture they need to be healthy as it all slips away. Mulch helps keep the ground even a provide access to those important nutrients, allowing your plants and trees to flourish.

So if you want your grounds to look good all year round, mulch may be the answer! At Pod Landscapes we provide mulching as part of our flowerbed maintenance, ensuring your grounds look smart and your plants are healthy. If you would like to know more about mulching, or our grounds maintenance packages, just get in touch with the team today to book your free consultation and grounds survey.