In Hospitality? You Need Our Help

First impressions matter for any business, but for hospitality, it’s more than just a nice extra. It’s an essential, and it’s usually created by two things – your building and your grounds. A good first impression can give you the ‘wow’ factor, entice guests in from the pathways to see what you’re all about, and really enhance the overall experience. They say ‘welcome in, we’re happy to have you!’ and if you’ve got your grounds right, they can be the thing that sticks in your customers memory for a long, long time.

So, how do you do it?

The Key Areas of Grounds Maintenance You Need To Know

Taking care of your outdoor spaces involves more than just an occasional mow. Sorry! It’s an ongoing process, and the tasks you need to do will change with the seasons. There’s a lot you need to include in your grounds maintenance plans too – here’s a few examples of things we do for our clients:

Seasonal Planting

Spring: This is typically the time you’re planting new flowers in the beds, adding in fresh greenery and generally giving your grounds a ‘wake up’ after the dormancy of winter.

Summer: Regular watering is key here, so that your plants all stay hydrated and don’t get scorched. You’ll also need to mow grass regularly (and don’t pick up the cuttings, as these can protect the soil and keep it moist), trim back any overeager growth on bushes and plants, and stay on top of the weeds, as they tend to go mad at this time of year.

Autumn: This is prime leaf season! Here is when you need to regularly clear away leaves as they fall (a full-time job in itself) so that they don’t get wet or freeze in low temperatures, causing a slip hazard. You’ll also want to mulch all of your beds to keep the soil warm over the winter, and aerate your lawns to stop them getting waterlogged and strengthen them up for spring. Clearing away any dead or dying plants is also a must, as these will attract pests to your property if they’re left to rot.

Winter: You might not think of winter as a good time for grounds maintenance, but there’s still lots to do! Before it gets too cold, you need to do a last lot of weeding, since most weeds self-seed and lay dormant in the cooler months. If you’re planning to add in some new beds in the spring then now is the time to dig and prepare them. This is so that the winter rain and frost can start breaking down the soil naturally making it ready to plant in. Prune back any ornamental grasses and make sure you have a plan for snow clearance.

Lawn Care

Nothing says “neglected” like an overgrown lawn or unkempt bushes. It’s not a good look for hospitality businesses, especially if you’re trying to encourage people to go and spend time our in those spaces. Long scraggly grass with random patches of wildflowers growing through it, bushes that are growing into odd shapes, or plants overgrowing their beds can give the wrong impression to visitors, and leaving you looking like a set from an apocalypse movie. All of these can be managed with regular mowing, pruning and trimming, giving you that neat, well-kempt look you want.

p.s – No one’s saying you can’t have wildflowers – in fact we encourage many of our clients to dedicate an area to rewilding, since it’s good for the environment and nice for visitors to see. But that doesn’t mean they should spread through the whole lawn!

Pathway & Carpark Clearing

Don’t forget about all the non-green areas of your grounds too! Despite not needing cutting or grooming, they still need some attention, particularly as we come into the winter months. For example, paths and walkways often get covered in moss, which clings to the paving and creates a major slip hazard. In the autumn months leaves fall quickly, which can then get wet and even icy if the temperature drops, once again causing a slip hazard. Not to mention making your property look neglected and untidy! A professional grounds maintenance company (like us) can manage these seasonal issues for you, clearing leaves and moss, making sure the pathways and carparks are kept tidy and safe.

Weed Control

Nothing ruins a beautiful garden, lawn or entrance area quicker than weeds. Weeds can very quickly get out of control, and depending on the variety they can be difficult to manage. Most hospitality businesses want to avoid using the heavy toxic chemicals to deal with weeds (it’s not good for the environment or the guests), which usually leaves the more manual, time-intensive options that have to be done regularly as the weed grow back. A professional grounds maintenance company will have access to eco-friendly weed control methods and tools, so they can keep your grounds healthy and looking good without hurting the environment. Win-win!

Sound like a lot of work? Don’t worry, you don’t have to do it alone! Our biggest tip is to hire a professional grounds maintenance service to give you the support and expert knowledge you need to keep your grounds looking good. We work with all types of hospitality business, from hotels and restaurants to attractions and recreational grounds, keeping them not only clean and tidy, but looking their best all year round. So, if you’re in the hospitality sector and you think your grounds need a bit of TLC, we would love to help. Just get in touch with the team today.