4 Reasons Your Commercial Grounds Need Weed Control

As you probably know by now, visitors to your premises will form their first impressions of your business based on your grounds. It’s the first thing they see when they set foot on site, and whether you like it or not, that initial judgement is made within 5 seconds. And an untidy, unkempt landscape that’s overgrown with weeds does not make a good impression. Infect, it shows that you don’t look after your business, and can be off-putting for both visitors and employees. That’s why it’s so important for you to stay on top of weed maintenance all year round. Need more reasons? Here’s 4 to get you started.

Weeds Make Your Grounds Look Unappealing

Weeds might be a natural thing, but they can quickly become a nuisance. They have a tendency to grow everywhere you don’t want them, which means they can quickly make your business look shabby or even neglected. Not the impression you went to give potential customers! It’s also not a great motivation for employees, who won’t be keen to spend their days working in an unappealing environment. It can even affect your ability to hire new staff, as weeds can create a negative impression of your business during the interview process. Getting rid of weeds will protect your business from the eyesore that weeds create, and the reputational damage they cause.

Weeds Attract Pests

If an overgrown commercial’ landscape filled with weeds isn’t enough to put off potential customers, then the arrival of pests like mice, rats and insects just might! Weeds are like a beacon for pests of all shapes and sizes, from insects looking to pollinate their bright flowers, all the way up to mice and rats who hide and nest within the thick growth. Not only is this generally a bad thing, it can also create some pretty serious health concerns. Especially if your business deals in serving food to either employees or the public. Many of the pests attracted to weeds can carry diseases, so it becomes a matter of health and safety to ensure weeds are kept under control on the property at all times.

Weeds Can Kill Your Plants

If you’re proud of your grounds, full of vibrant, flourishing displays of plants and flowers, then you probably want to keep it that way! Weeds are the secret assassins of the landscaping world, and the longer you let them run rampant the more chances they have to kill your plants. Many weeds carry diseases, which can very easily spread to your plants, bushes and even trees. Weeds also commonly carry or host plant pathogens, which can significantly increase the risk of your plants contracting a disease. And once they fall prey to disease, it can be almost impossible to save them.

Weeds Can Damage Your Property

Beyond how they look and how bad they are for your plants; weeds are also bad news for your hardscaping. Weeds spread quickly, and they take root in the smallest of crevices to do it. As they grow their root structures, stems and leaves expand, pushing anything that happens to be in their way aside. Over time this can cause paving slabs to shift, raise up and erode. If left too long they can cause major structural damage to your hardscaping and present a hazard to anyone walking on hard surfaces.

Proper weed prevention on an ongoing basis is, without a doubt, the best way to prevent this. At Pod Landscapes our job is to keep your commercial property clean, safe and looking its best on the outside. We offer a wide range of grounds maintenance services, including weed-killing and proactive need maintenance. For more information, just get in touch with the team at Pod Landscapes today.